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Roofs Over Rutland

Roofs Over Rutland

Heritage Family Credit Union (HFCU), in partnership with the City of Rutland and the Vermont Treasurer's Office, has developed Roofs Over Rutland to increase availability of housing in Rutland.

The program provides a variety of lower-rate products to help individuals and developers create new housing that is priced on par with current home values. Products range from business lines of credit to residential home equity loans, construction and renovation loans.

Learn More & Apply


Limited Time Only Certificate Special - image of man holding his glasses


Lock in at  4.25% APY 2 on a 9-Month Certificate

But hurry! This special rate is only available for a LIMITED TIME.

Apply below, visit your local branch, or call 888.252.8932!

Apply for a 9-Month Share Certificate - NOT YET A MEMBER  Apply for a 9-Month Share Certificate - EXISTING MEMBERS

A man smiles and points at the camera using a megaphone

Do you know someone amazing? We’re hiring!

We have open positions at five of our locations. Heritage Family Credit Union is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


with company match


Reward for employee referral


Years awarded best places in Vermont to work


1 The views expressed in all testimonials are solely those of the individuals posting them. The testimonials are substantively the words of the individual reviewer, but may have undergone minor clerical revisions to ensure readability, add context, or protect private information.

2 APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Nine (9) month term. Limited offer available for a limited time only. Rate subject to change without notice. The closure of an existing Heritage Family Credit Union Term Share Certificate Account prior to the maturity date will result in a penalty fee. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal. You have a grace period of ten (10) days after maturity in which to withdraw funds in the account without being charged an early withdrawal penalty. For all certificate accounts, the amount of the early withdrawal penalty is based on the term of your account. Fees may reduce earnings. Upon maturity, the funds in your certificate will transfer to your primary share. You must notify us in writing before, or within the 10-daygrace period after, the maturity date, if you do not want the account to automatically transfer to your primary share. The minimum starting deposit for all Term Share Certificates Accounts is $1,000. Visit for full Truth-In-Savings disclosure. Federally insured by NCUA.